Abstract: A minimal effort remote glove controller that distinguishes finger signals was created utilizing flex sensors and biosensors. The execution of the flex sensors was contrasted with that of financially accessible ones. A virtual condition was likewise made for the virtualization of the client's hand developments identified by the glove controller. Inside this virtual condition, the client characterized finger signals likewise enabled the client to control components inside the virtual condition which can stretch out to different applications including restoration and body-situated gaming. The plan and improvement of wearable biosensor frameworks for wellbeing observing has gathered bunches of consideration in established researchers and the business amid the most recent years. Predominantly persuaded by expanding human services costs and impelled by late innovative advances in little bio-sensing gadgets, savvy textiles, microelectronics, and remote interchanges, the ceaseless progress of wearable sensor-based frameworks will possibly change the fate of social insurance by empowering proactive individual wellbeing administration and omnipresent checking of a patient's wellbeing condition. These frameworks can involve different sorts of little physiological sensors, transmission modules and handling capabilities, and can along these lines encourage minimal effort wearable subtle answers for persistent throughout the day and wherever wellbeing, mental and movement status observing. The data regarding the vital health conditions of a person is extracted from the microcontroller will be displayed on the system .These results are stored in the local database. This paper endeavors to completely audit the flow of innovative work on wearable frameworks for wellbeing checking and motion location.

Keywords: Flex sensor, Processing, Arduino, Biosensor, health monitoring, wearable systems.